Welcome to the Breath Alcohol Technician proficiency training video series of CMI Incorporated.
This series of videos are intended to educate and inform Breath Alcohol Technicians, or BATs, regarding the proper use of the Intoxilyzer 240/240D in order that you may achieve accurate breath test results when conducting subject tests. The information detailed in this video regarding the procedures, protocols, accuracy verification schedules and techniques for completing a breath test is presented solely for the purpose of establishing a general knowledge of the instrument and its operation.
The following training protocol for the Intoxilyzer 240 adheres to Department of Transportation’s requirements for breath alcohol screenings and confirmations as stipulated by 49 CFR Part 40 of the Federal Register.
This video series, if used individually, does not certify you as a Breath Alcohol Technician …or “BAT”.
This video is the 2nd step of a 3-step process that leads to full certification – the 1st step being the Alcohol Overview education video.
The last step in the process requires you to complete Mock Test Proficiency demonstrations in the presence of a certified instructor.
Once all three of the steps have been successfully completed and you have demonstrated that you are proficient in all aspects of operating the Intoxilyzer 240, you can begin performing actual breath alcohol tests on employees that are required to submit to breath alcohol testing.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Intoxilyzer 240 Online Training Certificate
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